The Green Pledge is a committment cowritten by the ELFs, ETF, The Garden, FRN, Just Food, SEA, and Amnesty International for SGA candidates who care about environmental affairs at UMBC.
- President: Emily Melluso, Tristan Oetker, Bentley Corbett
- Executive Vice President: Mona Patel, Pandora Wilson, Robert Keim
- Treasurer: Surovi Bain, Trent Bae
- Vice President for Student Organizations: Joshua Massey
- Finance Board Representative: Mai-Han Trinh, Chien Zhou, Gregory Vass, Shiona Wijesehara, Meghna Bhatt
- Senator: Collin Sullivan, Jeremy Drew, Sarah Lilly, Gerardo Herrera-Cortes, Evan Leiter-Mason, Feyisanmi Ojo